Shady Grove – Vaccinated and feeling free, free, free
To all of you who have been asking or wondering–I’m back! I have been fully vaccinated, have climbed out from under my rock, and have begun to socialize again. I feel free–free to make my life count, free to praise God more freely, free to be “stronger salt” and “brighter light” as I interact with other people.
Jerry and I attended the Chamber of Commerce banquet, the first time in a few years. We attended Dudley Davis’ memorial service, and met at his home “The Aerie” afterwards for a time of fellowship and the scattering of his ashes. Then on May 22, the Class of ‘56 met at Shady Grove for our 65th anniversary class reunion. It was wonderful! Since our last reunion, two years ago, we lost six classmates (Bill Snellings, Pauline Peden Coston, Betty Quarles Davis, Billy Wayne Taylor, Dudley Davis and Robert Bracken.)
Our next class reunion is planned for April 23, 2022, at “The Aerie”, Dudley Davis’ home. Mark your calendars, save the date.
Memorial Day weekend Greg, Charlotte, Jerry and I spent in Gatlinburg for the Gaither Family Fest. We attended five concerts, which were all very good.
Congratulations to Joel! It is good to see him happy again.
House warming, open house, or however you may call it, will be at Chris’ house this Saturday, June 12, beginning at 1 p.m.
Bramlitt family reunion will be at Shady Grove Sunday, June 13, beginning at 11 a.m. If you are “Bramlitt” or want to be one for the day, come and join us. Pot luck.
The Beckett family reunion will be July 4, 2021, at Bruce Community Center beginning at 10 a.m. Pot luck lunch will be served about 1 p.m
May your week be wonderful!