Leachmans help with cats at intersection

By Published On: August 11, 2021

Revival is in progress through Wednesday at Lantrip.
Bro. Trey Logan will close the revival Wednesday at 7 p.m.
It was this week, August 8, 1974 when President Richard Nixon resigned from office rather than face impeachment over the Watergate matter.
Happy wedding anniversary Aug. 9 Stacy and Connie Free; Aug. 10 Jerry and Brenda Baker; Aug. 12 Mark and Tiffany Hendrix; Aug. 13 Ike and Rachel Phillips (44 years); Aug. 14 Mike and Debra Wade, Richard and Carol Easley.
Happy birthday Aug. 8 Joel Bryant, Don Reedy, David Poynor, Becky Mitchell; Aug. 9 Donny Orr, Danny Hodge; Aug. 10 Kay Reedy, Patricia Hatfield, Gary Penick; Aug. 11 Chase Whitten, Angie King, Ella Fleming; Aug. 12 cousin Harold Haire; Aug. 14 Ronnie Morgan, Abby Haire.

Surgery for a heart pacemaker went real well Friday for Alice Barfield.
Thanks to Mary Ruth Tutor who gave me an update following the surgery.
Talked with Alice Sunday. She seems to be doing well at her home in the Loyd community.
Thanks to Gary Ledbetter for my Friday fish plate at Pop’s in Banner.
Wanda Moore has some nice Asian pears. Thanks for the ones given to me.
Recent visitors in the Willa Kay Duke home were Olivia Duke, Jessa, Jeremiah Duke, San Antonio, Tx.; Jamie and Kelsey Duke, Charles White, Bruce; Kristi Warren, Oxford; Brandon Duke, Clarkville, Tn.; Bobby and Stepheny Duke, Calhoun City.
A baby shower was given for Jamie and Kelsey Duke Saturday at Vardaman Methodist Church. They received many useful gifts.

As of Sunday, five cats remain at the intersection of CR 111 and 119.
John and Rita Leachman took three last week. They plan to place them in their barn for mice.
A large attendance Sunday evening at Lantrip for the beginning of the revival.
Bro. Marlon Long was speaker. Bro. Rocky Watts led the singing and sang a special hymn.
Jean Sharpe from Grace Southern also gave special music.
Bro. S.T. Pennington and his family and church family from Hebron were in attendance.
Good to have all visitors Sunday from different churches.
Bro. Marlon’s parents, Bryan and Diane Long, were at the revival.
Sympathy to all bereaved, including the families of Danny Murphree, 70, of Buckhorn, and Dianne Easley, Shirley Young and Billy Wayne White.

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