Freezing weather is in the forecast

By Published On: February 10, 2021

I hope everyone is staying warm. I know we have some really cold weather coming up. I’m so ready for summer. I love spending time outside and I just can’t do it when it’s this cold.
My family has had a pretty interesting couple weeks. My youngest daughter and my mom both had covid. Quarantine is no fun.
Both of them are doing really well now. I’m just glad we’re allowed to leave the house again. I really missed church.

Mellissa Brooks

I missed grocery shopping. It’s pretty crazy considering I hate shopping. But I’m happy that things have gone back to normal. Emily was ready to go back to school then the school had to close down.
Sunday Bro. Shelton brought the message to us from 1 Peter 1:3-8. How can you love what you haven’t seen.
When you are saved, Jesus truly changes us. We serve the true and living God.

While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8). We were all ungodly; Christ still died for us. We are justified by his blood and saved from God’s wrath.
This is why we love him without seeing him. Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save it. Jesus has cleansed us from all our sins.
He has prepared for us to sit on a heavenly place in Christ (Eph. 2:6). He has given us an eternal purpose. That is why we love him without seeing him.
If you’re looking for a home church, we invite you to join us at Mt. Liberty. Sunday school is at 10. Services are at 11. We love you all and may God bless.

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