Busy revival time around Calhoun County

By Published On: July 23, 2021

Historical note: James Clark’s 2007 book of history of Vardaman carries a photo of students and teachers at Reid in 1933 (the year my parents married.) There were 61 students and three faculty (Herbert Goings-teacher and principal; Winnie Davis and Pearl Muff Christian, teachers.)
Happy wedding anniversary July 18 Edwin and Lucy Baker (13 years); July 19 Craig and Sherry Williams, Lader and Jane Gregory 953 years); July 20 P.K. and Mary Edmondson; July 21 Grover and June Edington, Stephen and Kisha Bailey, Davy and Roseanne Schwalenberg.
Happy birthday July 18 Judy Edington, Tom Bailey, Stephanie Edmondson, Jeff Hamilton; July 19 Chris Graham, Marshall Bailey; July 20 Ann Langston, Grover Edington, Donna Ward, Kelly Pendergraph; July 21 Ross Malbrough;
July 22 John Bray, July 23 Jessie Chrestman, Derek Nelson, Julie Hamilton; July 24 James Warren, Zachary Murphree.

Billy F. and I enjoyed a good meal last Friday with Duane and Kaye Alexander. Earl Langford also enjoyed the meal.
Hope Kaye improves from serious arthritis pain. She is under doctor’s treatment.
Talked briefly July 16 with a well-known Robbs- Buckhorn man, William Rex Patterson. He has a lot of historical knowledge of the Reid area.
Good to have the Scarbroughs visiting last week in the area and accompanying John and Rita Leachman to Lantrip Sunday.
Good to have Nancy back at the piano.

Revival continues through Friday at Friendship Baptist Church at Ellzey at 7 p.m. nightly.
Bro. Brad Winfield will speak Wednesday and Bro. Owen Hitchcock will speak Thursday and Friday.
Numerous churches will be in revival during the next several weeks.
Lantrip revival is August 8-11 with different speakers each week.

Had my first meal of fresh garden peas last week at Willa Kay’s.
The record rains have “perked up” the gardens and lawn grass.
Sympathy to all bereaved including the Lee family at Calhoun City and the Henley family of Sarepta.

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