Vardaman, ‘City hosting big events

By Published On: August 5, 2021

Thankfully, I can say this week was uneventful as to anything serious with me.
Went to the cardiac clinic in Tupelo to have my pacemaker checked and all was working as it should be. I was told by the device manager that in 4 more weeks I could just forget it is there and do what I want to that it won’t hurt the position or leads of the pacemaker. Now if the heat warnings will go away, maybe can get back to the courts for Pickleball.
Saturday morning I did go and lob a few in Starkville while waiting on some serious playing got started.
The group there began about 7:30 and played for a couple hours, but by 9:30 they were all wiped out by the heat and humidity.

Normally they don’t play on Saturday mornings, but a couple came from Florida wanting to get a game going so they did.
Had three courts being used and I enjoyed watching and getting pointers of them in action. That was my Saturday morning adventure.
That afternoon I was invited to a Christmas In July pool party. A very fun afternoon meeting more new people, being in the pool, the Dirty Santa game, and all the food offered.
Sunday, August 8th at 11 at Calhoun City First Baptist Church there is to be the kickoff for a special community gathering called “Rep Your Team” Day.
Everyone is encouraged to wear their favorite team jersey and enjoy a special worship gathering with “The Jason Lovins Band” and an interview with head football Coach MD Jennings.
12:00 to 1:30 there will be hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone, inflatables for the kids, and tailgating for everyone. All in the community are invited.

A reminder for support of the VHS basketball team there is to be a Vardaman Alumni Game on Saturday, August 14th. VHS basketball players are selling chances on $100 and $200.
For more information and if you are interested in playing you can contact Coach Eddie Neal. This sounds like a fun time, so go out and help the basketball program at Vardaman High School.
Please remember in prayers our friends and neighbors that are ill.
Ones I know of Richard and Rebecca Haire, Jim and Jan Scarbrough, Michael Kendall, Alan Murphree, Ann Whitt, Shirley Herrod, Billy Frank and Glenda Funderburg, Jimmy Coker, Calvin Barnett, Annelle Scott, James and Frances Simmons, and others that you know of.
Please also keep the family of Maxine Spratlin in your thoughts and prayers. My sympathy to the family and prayers for comfort during this time. or call 628-4018

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