Past and Present – A lot of history with cats around our house

By Published On: March 3, 2021

A cat is. Finish the sentence any way you want to. Add any adjectives or adverbs and it will likely be correct.
I’ve had two unique cats. The first one was a gift to daughter Deanna, who was in an apartment that didn’t allow animals. So you know who got the cat and she was beautiful – a long-haired domestic that we called PK for Pretty Kitty.

She was an indoor-outdoor cat. Her favorite trick was to go outside and climb up into the lattice work and then realize that she couldn’t get down.
We didn’t call a rescue squad. We just had to talk her down. That took a lot of time.
The last thing I would do for Gale before we called it a night was bring him an eight-oz. glass of ice water. I caught PK up on the night stand drinking the ice water and knew I would have to put ice in her water bowl.
She lived to be 19 years old.

The other cat we had was not ours, but he thought he was. He was a handsome all gray cat and we called him Smoky. Gale was in bed recovering from his wreck and Smoky “asked” to come in and he would lie down with Gale.

Sometimes when I would play the piano, he would sit on the bench with me as long as I was playing show music or classical, but if I played a hymn, he was gone. After he died from too many cat fights, I found out that he belonged to a preacher’s family and she said that cat never would stay home.
When I got out of the cat business I had 13 feral cats and why wouldn’t they stay? They had food and an electric blanket to sleep on.

Tony Martin helped me catch them in a trap and then I took them to the shelter in Oxford with a donation.
I miss having a cat around, but understand that they would most likely cause me to fall and I’ve done that enough without anybody’s help.
You may email Jo Ann Denley at

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