COVID, elections and local weather still common topics
The coronavirus with its illness and death was the main news topic for 2020, followed by the 2020 elections.
Weather remains a common topic among people. Thanks to David Green and John Leachman who log and report to me their rain totals.
Received 5.8” of rain in December. David Green received at Rocky Mount 6.4”. John Leachman recorded 5.3” at Lantrip for December and 73” for the year.
Maximum rain for December was 10.85” in ‘08. The least was 2.1” in ‘01.
Rain total for 2020 at my residence was 75.40”. David Green had 76.1” at Rocky Mount. The most rain fell in February 11.60” and the least 1.75” in November.
Rainfall in 2020 was above average but fell short of ‘02 with 82.6”. The least, on my record since 2000, was 37.55” in ‘07.
This week 50 years ago January 4, 1971, starting preaching on radion station WJRL in Calhoun City.
Several Baptist Churches of Calhoun Baptist Association paid for their pastor to speak daily for a week on that radio station.
‘Ole Blue’, my ‘71 Chevrolet Malibu, turns 50 this year. Current mileage stands at 546,000.
Wedding anniversaries this week: Jan. 3 Elton Ray ‘Red’ and Annette Logan (68 years); Jan. 7 David and Leslie Spivey; Jan. 8 Perry and Tyanne Bailey.
Birthdays this week: Jan. 3 Larry Stacy, cousin Geraldine McGreger, David Marshall, Carla Landreth; Jan. 4 James Earl Weeks, Melba Lyndy Hardin, Rip Wells, Margaret Black; Jan. 5 Earl Spratlin; Jan. 6 Fred Buchanan, Mary Clark, Ken Boutwell; Jan. 7 John Campbell; Jan. 8 Abbigail Barefield, Mark Hendrix, Cory Bailey, Mary Chandler, Garvis Sexton, Deanna Wooten; Jan. 9 Bob Cozart, Joe Smith, Judy Brown, Reva Hardin, Betty Lou Brummett.
Willa Kay and I went by Traceway Manor in Tupelo December 22 to see Alvin Blount.
He was in the hospital at NMMC at the time but was in the process of being released. We left a church box with his neighbor, Mr. Curbow.
Thanks to Rocky and Dot Fleming for a fine Christmas gift. It was brought to my door by their grandsons Wiley and Forest Fleming.
Received several nice Christmas cards. Thanks to all. They mean very much to me.
Still some of the Christmas spirit left at church December 27 when Jessica Barefield gave the story of the “Christmas guest.” She also sang a special.
Sad Christmas for those who lost loved ones.
In our community, Brittany (Mrs. B.J.) Duke’s mother, Lorraine Phillips, died December 20.
Elzey native cousin Susie Johnson Chandler 77, died last week in Grenada. She was married to Rex Chandler of Vardaman, the daughter of the late uncle Neal and aunt Ludie Alexander Johnson.
Kenneth Warren, 80, of Vicksburg, died last week. He was married to cousin Shirley Alexander of Reid. They have lived in the Vicksburg area all their 61 years of marriage.
David Clements called last week. He is hoping for a better year, healthwise, than 2020. He has had three heart surgeries since July.
Thanks to Bruce and Allison Green for my Sunday, Dec. 27 restaurant meal.
Duane and Kay Alexander had as their New Year’s Day, typical New Year’s meal guests Jonathan, Shelly and Raylen Collins; Dewayne, Wendy, Jacob Langford; Kortney and Kiji Trice; Tape Stallings; Hunter and Braden Mooneyham; Billy F. and Jackie Alexander, R.E. Alexander and Willa Kay Duke.
Don’t always have two New Year’s Day meals, but did this year at Willa Kay’s at noon and nephew Duane and Kaye’s in the evening.
Thanks to cousin Rachel Reynolds for by January 3 restaurant meal.
Covid-19 is still rampant in the area with June Sexton family among the latest victim.
Started the new year at Lantrip on the same schedule that we have had for some time. SS at 10 a.m. and worship at 11 a.m. Morning services only.
Thought for the new year:
God in the Tomorrows
“The oriental shepherd was always ahead of his sheep. He was in front. Any attempt upon them had to take him into account. Now God is down in front. He is in the tomorrows. It is tomorrow that fills men in dread. But God is there already and all tomorrows of our life have to pass before Him before they can get to us.” F.B. Meger.